This is a collection of original music that we recorded back in the 1990’s. Friends encouraged us to share it in the hope that it will inspire others to sing and pray.Proceeds from the sale of this CD benefit the beautiful Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church in Birmingham, Alabama.
There is a variety of songs in this collection. “You Are My God” was written directly from Psalm 63 to help us memorize it. “Faith of Peter” and “He Is Risen” have been sung at LifeTeen liturgies. “Holy Father” was written in the year of Pope John Paul II’s 25th anniversary as Pope in his honor. “Water from the side of Christ” was written for Lent. “Take and Eat” was written for the Feast of Corpus Christi. “Letter to the Illness” was written for a relative who battled with cancer. “Higher Ground” was written for a gospel choir.
Some of the songs are with full accompaniment, and others are simply with guitar. The quality varies in direct relation to our evolution in technology. Most of these songs were originally recorded in analog format.
We hope that you enjoy the variety, and are inspired to become closer to our Lord. Thank you for listening!
Joe and Mary Ann
- Release date: 2005-01-11
- Label: AvilaRose, Inc.
Music Samples
5.0 out of 5 stars Song List
“Songs from this CD have been featured on EWTN’s Catholic Jukebox. Includes very upbeat songs – great for LifeTeen, Easter, Christmas. There are liturgical songs for Corpus Christi, Lent. ItContinue reading5.0 out of 5 stars Song List